The Community Fridge & Larder

The Community Fridge
& Larder
The Community Fridge & Larder was set up in 2019 to test whether surplus food can be shared locally instead of being thrown into landfill. It was key element of the CEPL12 response to the pandemic and the lockdown.
The Enterprise is now based at 8 Fore Street in Saltash. It operates alongside the Community Kitchen, forming a beating heart for the wellbeing centre there. Teamwork at its best!
We have proved without doubt that we can significantly reduce the amount of food going to waste locally, and, furthermore, it is being made available to help feed the ever-growing number of local people in need. We are open 3 days a week and have around 70 visitors to the fridge each time.
One day a week, our Community Transport turns into a “mobile larder” to distribute food to struggling families who cannot travel to the town centre. We have worked with the Foodbank to deliver meals to homeless people.
In our first year we distributed approximately 15 tonnes of surplus food

There is no stigma associated with the Enterprise: we are engaging with a wide range of citizens determined to establish Saltash as a centre for environmental good practice and caring community action. You are encouraged to drop by to see what is going on….and maybe help build the movement.
Our work is supported by Lidl, Waitrose, the Co-op, and other local food businesses, who all donate their surplus fresh foods. We are also linked to Fare Share Go and food banks to allow us access to additional ambient foods.

TUESDAYS 2:30PM - 4:00PM
WEDNESDAY 10:00AM - 12:00PM
SATURDAYS 10:00AM - 12:00PM