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January Newsletter

Writer's picture: Al MarksAl Marks

January is flying by, and, after a slow start to the year, things are picking up across all our enterprises, much of the work in the background is slowly coming to fruition and our links with the local community are continuing to grow and thrive.

All of us at CEPL12 are committed to supporting the whole community of CEPL12, we do this in a variety of way. Our community transport organises a range of trips and supports local schools and groups with transport. Our busy Kitchen has space for events, well-being and provides a warm space throughout the winter months, if you haven’t been in lately, pop by and enjoy the warm welcome that Chris and his team provide. Our Dementia Group continues to meet regularly, the café at the Wesley Church on a Wednesday and Singing group every other Thursday, together with the Veteran’s Group at the Shado Centre are all fun sessions open to everyone living with Dementia. If you need any more information about any of our activities check out our website or pop into our Community Shop.

We are always looking to develop and extend our links with the PL12 community and so are pleased to announce that the Tamar Bridge Visitors’ Centre now stock out local Saltash themed products and are hoping to use our Community Kitchen as a starting /end point for their tours in the future. If you haven’t been to the center, it is well worth a visit, it provides a fascinating account of the history of our two iconic bridges.

We are also beginning to extend the activities available in our Community Hub (housed in the Community Shop). We promote other events and groups in the town and, following requests, are setting up a ‘form filling service.’ So many official documents now have to be completed on line, this proves difficult (if not impossible|) for people with limited access to, and understanding of, technology. Some examples are Carers Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Blue Badge Applications and Renewals to name but a few. We can’t provide advice or advocacy, but if you know anyone that would like some help filling in forms, please pop into no 4.

Over the last few months, we have supported the work of the ‘Outreach Paramedics’ in many ways; acting as a collection point for donations and providing facilities for the Ukrainian group to meet and celebrate together. On Sunday 21st January were pleased to be able to support the send-off of the two ambulances to Ukraine by providing refreshments for the crowd of supporters. It was an emotional moment waving them off on their journey. You can follow their journey on social media as they provide training to fire fighters and paramedics in Ukraine.

CEPL12 is run by a dedicated group of volunteers Directors, they come from all walks of life with varied qualifications, experiences, and strengths. Each Director has a specific role in our organisation, whether this is behind the scenes looking after finances, policies, procedures and administration, or front of house organising events or staffing our Community and Environmental hubs. We have recently been delighted to welcome Jane Davey to our team who is hoping to support us with managing finances (a big job!). We are still looking for another two Directors to join the team, one, to manage our Community Shop and another to lead our thriving DV group into the future. No specific qualifications are needed but if you enjoy working as part of a team, have time to spare and want to give something back to our town, please get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.

To the future:

We are already planning activities to support the town during the May Fair and coronation activities. However, our main focus for the time being, is to make sure we embed the new developments whilst continuing to manage well established activities. We are here for anyone who lives inPL12 so if you have any ideas about ways, we can further support our community, please get in touch.

Together we can, together we do

War-barth ‘gan gallos War-barth ‘gan gwul

Jo Grail Chair



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