Welcome to Spring!
March continues to be a busy month for all of us at CEPL12, with events and activities growing on
a weekly basis. The month started with a fabulous celebration of all things Cornish with a St
Piran’s Day pasty lunch followed by homemade scones, jam and cream ( no arguments about
jam first!) No 8 was packed out with visitors and, our volunteers had to work hard to satisfy the
demand. Our thanks go to Rowes Pasties for their continued generosity, not just in donating
pasties, but also for allowing them to be served at a time when their shop is also open.
We were delighted to host our first cookery demonstration on Monday 10th March, Jos, one of our
volunteer drivers and a regular helper in the kitchen, hosted an entertaining and informative talk
demonstrating just what you can make with a simple tomato sauce! The audience not only
learned a lot but were also able to enjoy tasting the fruits of his labour.
We have received funding to put on these demonstrations and so planning is in place to host
these on a monthly basis, the next one is planned for 24th April the theme is ‘cooking with rice ’n
eggs, including how to poach the perfect egg, if you have time, please come along to, what
promises to be, an entertaining session
We are now regularly receiving enquiries about hosting events in No 8, the Stroke Group that
meets on a Friday is proving to be a success and will hopefully grow as word gets around, the
therapy dogs join us on a regular basis and we have a number of community groups who make
use of the space to hold their get togethers. Our Kitchen Manager, Chris, is leading a talk to SEA
outlining how we repurpose / save food from going into landfil, we have also been approached
to host a pain clinic and naming ceremony, over such a short space of time we really have
become a community resource for all the PL12 community.
Our Eco-crafters, led by Jude, have now made over 400 Mors Bags, and continue to make more
on a weekly basis. This group has become well established with regularly ten crafters attending
the sessions that take place in No 4 on a Wednesday. Once again, let us know if you would like to
find out more or come along to join in.
Have you any time on your hands and would like to give something back to our wonderful
We are looking for more Director’s to join our team, particularly a DV and Shop Director. We are a
friendly bunch who meet once a month to oversee all our enterprises, the roles do need some
time commitment, but this is flexible to suit every individual circumstance. If you feel you could
get involved, please get in touch for a cup of coffee and a chat.
To the future:
As Easter, and the warmer weather, approaches we have a number of events planned. No 4 already has a wide range of Easter gifts made by local craftspeople and Pysanka Crafts , who fundraise for Outreach Paramedics, are holding a special Ukranian Feast: ‘Velykden’ to celebrate Easter, this will include craft workshops and a free chocolate treat for every child. Our DV café has successfully moved to its new venue at Ashetorre Rock, our community transport has proved to be invaluable in ensuring everyone can attend, as a result the numbers are beginning to increase. The café celebrates its seventh anniversary on 5th April, as it now takes place on a Thursday we will be celebrating (with cake) at Ashtorre on 6th April. May will also be a major town celebration with the May Fair and Coronation, we are hoping that we will be able to contribute and look forward to hearing what events are being planned. Finally, as you can see, CEPL12 continues to grow and thrive, for more information about any of our activities please check out our facebook and Instagram pages, our website or pop into No 4 or 8 to find out more. And, if you have any ideas or suggestions about other activities or events that you would like to see in Saltash, please let us know -we’d love to hear from you.
Together we can, together we do
War-barth ‘gan gallos War-barth ‘gan gwul
Jo Grail Chair